Recommended Works

Want to dream of freedom, or need inspiration for your anarchism?  Try these works for enlightenment.

Half-Life 2 Valve

In a dystopic future/present, an oppressive empire rules the world with an iron fist.  Humans are seen as resources rather than people, and police are on every block, ready to strike down any attempt at independent thought.  This game really captures what the world might look like if things don't change.  Although the empire in question is of the alien persuasion, all of their soldiers are human, and it draws many real world parallels.  I recommend you play this game with the invincibility code turned on to experience this amazing chronicle at the pace intended.  You will be changed by this game.

Nineteen Eighty Four George Orwell

A novel about a world where the now famous "Big Brother" watches all occurrences and is worshiped by a flock of mindless conformists.  The main character is an employee of said dictator who is given the task of preparing news and works of fiction for the public.  Those works considered inappropriate by the fascist leaders are thrown into an inferno-like pit called the "memory hole".  This book is a classic that has been adapted to film twice, and inspired Half Life 2 and Equilibrium.

Equilibrium Christian Bale

One of the most horrifying visions of what the future could hold for us, Equilibrium stars Christian Bale as a police officer in a world without feelings.  Emotional conditioning and pharmaceuticals are used to prevent all citizens from feeling anything.  They have no anger, no joy, no pity, nothing.  Things start to get more complicated when Bale encounters a woman who has committed the "sense offense" of feeling emotion.  He is intrigued by her claims that even if she dies, feeling makes it worth it.

If terrorists hate us for our freedoms, we must get more likable every day.